Whether it’s from periodontal disease, extensive decay, traumatic injuries, genetics, or a combination of these issues, some people may require a completely new set of teeth. Full arch dental implants provide secure and natural-looking replacements that not only restore oral function for activities like chewing and speaking, but also significantly improves your overall oral health, appearance, and self-confidence. You don’t have to live with a hidden smile, discomfort, or oral difficulties, Clear Smiles Dental is here for.
Your journey to a brighter smile and better oral health begins with a thorough in-person consultation. We’ll take the time to understand your concerns, walk you through the procedure in detail, and create a personalized treatment plan that works for you.
Our cosmetic dental practice specializes in crafting single tooth implants that uniquely suit each patient's smile. Prioritizing individualized treatments, we ensure that each implant complements your features, matches your natural teeth, and enhances your facial aesthetics.
With over 20 years of experience, you can rest easy knowing that you're in the hands of skilled dental professionals who have dedicated decades to perfecting the art of implants and oral surgery. Our team brings a wealth of expertise, ensuring precision and excellence in every step of the process.
We incorporate the most advanced tools at our practice. From digital imaging for precise measurements to premium, top-quality material, we leverage the latest developments to ensure the durability, functionality, comfort, and aesthetics of your implants.
Our commitment extends beyond the initial procedure. Our dedicated post-procedure care and guidance ensures the longevity and ongoing comfort of your implants. We provide instructions, follow-ups, and support to help you maintain your enhanced smile for years to come.
We believe everyone deserves a radiant smile. That’s why we accept all major insurance to provide you with quality implants at little or no cost to you. Our team will deal with your insurer and give you detailed pricing information so there are no unexpected surprises.
For those who don’t have insurance or whose insurance plans do not cover implants, our Wellness Pan and VIP Membership program are available to make your dream smile more accessible. Our cosmetic dental practice works to accommodate various budgets without compromising on the quality of care.
To ease the anxiety many people experience during dental procedures, we implement measures to create a calming atmosphere and minimize sensitivity and discomfort during and after the procedure. This may include desensitizing pastes or injections, providing post-procedure care instructions, and discussing temporary discomfort expectations with patients.
When you decide to upgrade your smile, we’ll make every effort to get you in and out quickly and conveniently for you. From consultation to procedure, we’ll work around your schedule, factoring recovery time as needed.
When you decide to upgrade your smile, we’ll make every effort to get you in and out quickly and conveniently for you. From consultation to procedure, we’ll work around your schedule, factoring recovery time as needed.
Leslie F.
I can't thank Clear Smiles Dental enough for the incredible transformation their full arch implants have made. My self-esteem has soared, I can eat and smile normally—I feel like a whole new person. Thank you, thank you!
Curtis R.
Clear Smiles Dental gave me a second chance at a beautiful smile with a full arch implant. The procedure was painless, the team's dedication and expertise put me at ease, and the outcome is nothing short of life-changing.
Taylor M.
Our Caring team of qualified specialists offer over 20 years of combined experience in the field of dentistry - ensuring that all our patients get industry-leading care every step of the way.
Clear Smiles dental is proud to provide patients with a full range of dental services. Our goal is to keep your smile healthy, and we’re ready to achieve it. We will work closely with you for a customized patient plan to ensure you get the treatment that fits your need